Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A new addition

We are expecting! The baby is due on April 1st, 2011. We are so looking forward to number 3. We didn't find out what it is. We'll find out the "old fashioned" way, when it's born. Here are some pictures of the baby.
Let's take a vote... Let me know if you think it will be a boy or a girl, and what will we name it?

Thanksgiving Day we went to Cracker Barrel. I had bought at 13 pound turkey, was going to make potatoes, green beans, pies, and maybe cookies. The day before Thanksgiving I was tired and thought, why go to all the trouble when I am the one that will have to do all dishes to clean up the pots? It would have been fun and delicious, but I wanted to fully relax and enjoy Thanksgiving with my little family. So we went to Cracker Barrel.

Karla did NOT want to be in any pictures, that's why she doesn't look so happy. I held her down just so we could prove she was there with us. We are in front of the fireplace in the restaurant and then another picture is of William carrying our little treasures. Karla again would not be photographed. Funny girl.

Their personalities are so different. Karla is very reserved and shy some times, and Benjamin is our little theatrical guy.

Later that day, we got to play outside. I got to look at ads while everyone else played :) .
It was very warm. I could have pulled the kiddie pool out, but too much work, hehe. It was very warm. It got up to 75; 77 in our house, so the air conditioner came on.

Later, on Saturday we made a day trip to the temple. The kids were so cute. They are truly the cutest kids in the world!

The kids are on a Winnie the Pooh kick. Yesterday they dressed up as Rabbit and Piglet. It was too cute to pass up. It was a "Kodak" moment.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Here we are on this October day. Karla and Benjamin have grown lots.

At this time, Karla is fighting of Fifth Disease, nothing serious, just red cheeks, small cough, and a rash over her arms. It should subside in a week or two, the rash I mean.

Yesterday I asked Benjamin if for lunch he wanted grilled cheese. He said "no, I want boy cheese" hehe. He thought I said girl cheese. So cute.

Karla is reading very well and enjoys writing, drawing and coloring. We have a little Picasso on our hands.
Benjamin aslo is very talented at coloring. He likes concentrating on one page in a coloring book for a few days. It is always very colorful. I hope do scan an example soon.

I thought this would be a fun way to keep family up to date with our happenings.
Hope you have a great day!